Public Notices

Public Notices of the Town of Brooklin

Listed here

Folly Road Clarification
The Folly Road beyond the school bus turn around (#45) has been a discontinued road since 1918. For clarification see town meeting notes 1918 available at the town office. No town maintainance or improvements past the school bus turn around.

General Assistance Notice

The municipality of Brooklin administers a General Assistance program for the support of the poor. Pursuant to Title 22 MRSA 4305, the municipal officers have adopted an ordinance along with the State of Maine’s General Assistance Statutes is available for public inspection at the Town Office. Persons who wish to apply for General Assistance may do so at the Town Office (359-8394) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-5:00 pm. In an emergency, applicants may contact the GA administrator: Heather Candage at 479-5970

Posted Parking Restrictions
Center Harbor Road
Dow Landing @ Bridges Point
Naskeag Point Road & Landing
Village Center
Front of the Friend Memorial Library
Harriman Point Rd
There is a municipal parking lot at the Town Office.

Septic Disposal Policy

The town will pay for septic disposal once every three years per household, at the rate of 12 cents per gallon. The household shall be responsible for the difference in price if the rate is more than 12 cents per gallon.

Transfer Stickers
The Transfer Station serves the year-round and seasonal residents of Blue Hill, Surry, Brooklin, Brooksville, and Sedgwick. New hours effective June 1, 2021:

7 AM to 5 PM, Tuesday through Saturday
CLOSED Sundays, Mondays, and Holidays


  Town of Brooklin 23 Bay Road, Brooklin, Maine 04616 207-359-8394

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